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1. Come to class with a positive attitude and a desire to learn--knowledge is power!


2. Actively take part and participate – a lack of participation will be reflected in your grade.


3. You are expected to be in class each day; on time – habitual lateness will result in discipline consequences.


4. Come to class prepared each day with the necessary items--pen or pencil, three ring binder, paper, your text and/or whatever we are currently reading.


4. Be respectful of self, peers, teacher, school, etc. Do not disrupt the learning environment of the class by talking, making noises, or using any other behavior intending to disrupt the class.


5. Doing another classes work in class will result in the work being taken and reported and a loss of credit for the activity we are doing.



If a student has a concern with a grade, the understanding of an assignment, or needing of extra help, it is the responsibility of the STUDENT to approach the teacher with such concerns. Communication of concerns can take place before class, after class, or during SERA. Communication of concerns will not be handled via email. If it is determined necessary to set up a meeting with the student and the parent, an appointment will be made in agreement with the parent and teacher.


Parent involvement is encouraged and is crucial for an extraordinary academic experience.



Sleeping in class will result in loss of credit for the day.



All assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. If the work is collected and your work was not turned in on time, it will be considered late and will not be accepted. Major projects and DBQs will suffer point losses for each day they are late.



You will be assigned a Chromebook number in the beginning of the year. You must only use YOUR assigned Chromebook. You must check the Chromebook daily at the beginning of your usage for any damages and report them immediately. Any damages acquired during your use will result in consequences.



CW/HW- 20%

Quizzes- 40%

Tests- 40%


A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 and below


Students whose average drops below a 70 at any point in the marking period will be put on a maintenance program which will consist of student/teacher meetings and supplemental work to assist them in class.



Extra help is available and encouraged. Appointments are mandatory for SERA help.



Late work will not be accepted after the date it was due unless you have a school excused or parent excused absence. Tests may only be taken on test days unless you are school excused. If you are not in class, it is your responsibility to check the make-up bin for any missed classwork and homework assignments.


Quizzes and tests are announced in advance. Students are expected to take any quizzes or tests they missed during their absence on the date of their return. Exceptions to this are only if they miss the announcement of the quiz or test. There is a chance that there are multiple versions of quizzes or tests, if you retake a quiz or test it may not be the same version.


Students will be able to re-take 1 quiz per marking period. No tests or DBQs will be eligible for re-takes. Students will can earn extra quiz retakes at the teacher’s discretion throughout the semester. Each student will be given a quiz retake ticket at the beginning of the year. This ticket must be submitted at the time of the quiz retake. If the ticket is lost or stolen, a replacement will not be provided. It is your responsibility to keep track of your ticket. Quiz retakes must be scheduled a day in advance. No same day quiz retakes will be allowed.



Students are required to be prepared with the following materials always: binder, paper, classroom notebook, writing utensil, and textbook. We will be keeping an organized binder in class that will be separated by each unit (7). Binders should have a table of contents that matches the table of contents kept in class. Binders are subject to random checks that will be graded.


You are expected to bring a one-subject notebook or composition book that will be kept in the classroom. The purpose of this notebook will be for Do-Nows and Exit Tickets. This notebook is separate from the required binder and paper. Do Nows and Exit tickets are subject to random checks that will be graded. If a worksheet is given for a Do Now or Exit Ticket, said worksheet should be submitted to the BINDER.



Microsoft OneNote will be utilized as a way to enrich our classroom community. Students can access OneNote using their CRHS student email. This can also be downloaded for free onto their cellular device to complete assignments outside of school. We will also use EdPuzzle. Students must set up an account and are responsible for completing any video assignment by the time they are due. This can also be downloaded for free to their cellular device to complete assignments outside of school. Remind101 will be used to communicate with the students and parents about deadlines or classroom announcements. Students will also have access to my school website where assignments and materials can be accessed. Internet access is necessary for this class. Students without access are encouraged to complete assignments during SERA.




Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited on all assignments. Any graded assignment that the teacher deems to be plagiarized will result in a ZERO for that assignment with no ability to retake or make-up the assignment. Any student who lends his/her work to another student or allows another student to copy his/her work is subject to the same consequences. Any student suspected of cheating or plagiarism will first conference with the teacher and then be referred to their house office and the Humanities Supervisor for any consequences aside from the zero on the assignment. 



Students are expected to be in attendance at all times throughout the class period. All out-of-class needs (drinks, restroom, lockers) should be taken care of before the tardy bell rings, during passing time.



Cell phone use during class is strictly prohibited. All electronic devices should be silenced PRIOR to coming to class. Cell phone use during class will be treated as “disruptive behavior” and face the appropriate consequences. Teacher will notify students if cellular phones or other electronic devices will be used for a lesson or portion of a lesson. In any instance, students must first ask teacher for permission prior to using device.



Food and drink is prohibited in the classroom. If you have a nurse’s pass, please present this to the teacher as soon as possible and it will be respected.



All IEP and 504 accommodations will be followed in our class.

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