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Mrs. Krobatsch

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Honors and AP United States History provides students a generally chronological survey of U.S. history that emphasizes the historical ideas and events important to the development of the United States government, its laws, economic system, foreign policy, and social movements. Although course content is presented primarily in a chronological format, a variety of themes and concepts are developed within the chronological presentation. Periodically, the chronological survey is suspended for a short time in order that students will have an opportunity to explore selected topics, themes, and concepts in depth. While examining course content students are asked to focus their attention on the development of academic skills necessary for success in the fields of history and social science. These skills include an extensive analysis of primary source documents and the development of analytical thinking. In short, analytical thinking involves the development of three academic skills;

1)making an assertion, 2) defending and assertion with specific, accurate, and relevant information, and 3) anticipating counter arguments.


In AP U.S. History, students are asked to develop their analytical thinking skills through a variety of reading assignments, daily activities, simulations, and document analysis. Students in AP U.S. History are required to analyze and synthesize information at a high level of analytical thought while learning the process of gathering information, sorting through relevant and irrelevant ideas, and expressing historical conclusion in a logical, organized manner. These skills are demonstrated in a variety of activities and assignments, but primarily through the writing of a standard thematic essay and essays that address document-based questions.



856-451-9400 x363

Block 1, 2, 3: Honors US 1

Block 4: Prep

SERA Schedule TBD



Tests 40%

Quizzes 40%

HW and Classwork 20%

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